What problem does it solve?

Unlocks the SCADA data across your solar assets to proactively:

Improve investment decisions

Modelling the achievable improvement opportunities for different investments, whether they are new acquisitions or capital improvements.

Predict and manage maintenance requirements

Develop a fact based, proactive maintenance approach that optimises both output and maintenance costs.

Manage risk

Identify the likelihood of issues occurring across your portfolio and put a proactive plan in place to address them.

Improve supplier oversight

Build a realistic view of achievable optimal performance across all your assets and use it to drive a constructive dialogue with your O&M suppliers about how to meet it.

“Understanding the patterns in your data to better allocate resources and get in front of problems before they occur.”

How does it work?

Connecting your data, modelling achievable optimal output and charting a path to achieve it

Agnostic of the SCADA management systems in place across your portfolio, the Solar Navigator allows you to connect to the data, rapidly map it to the common data model and label it for use in the neural network. The neural network identifies achievable optimal output, the cause of different faults and the likelihood of them occurring.

Investors / Portfolio Managers

Investment planning

  • Understand the achievable optimisation opportunities in acquisition targets.
  • Understand the optimisation opportunities from capital investments in existing assets

Portfolio optimisation

  • Understand the true achievable potential output of your portfolio and share learning across your operations.

Company management

Output planning and optimisation

  • Build a true picture of optimal output adjusted for a host of environmental and infrastructural factors.
  • Understand the optimisation levers and be able to proactively act on them.

Supplier oversight

  • Understand the achievable optimal output and where your O&M suppliers should be focusing effort.

Risk management

  • Understand and proactively act on the drivers of risk across your portfolio.

Operations and field staff

Proactive monitoring

  • Predict faults before they become an issue

Cause diagnosis

  • Remotely identify potential causes and solutions to faults

Optimise plant maintenance and resource scheduling

  • Use the forward looking view of faults/ issues to get the greatest return on your maintenance schedules.

How can we help?

Targeted consulting engagements to address particular needs.
In house or SAAS implementation of the Solar Navigator platform.

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